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Wm Gray letter #5Thanks for the three letters. We will probably meet in London upon this weekend, But I thought I would like to get these impressions down on paper, so that the form they have come to me in does not shift. Now about this trouble of yours. I have rarely experienced so much difficulty in working as I did that night. It was rather like pushing the millstone round and grinding sand. It appears to have worked though, since you were put through the patterns of the maze. As we ended (we started much earlier than arranged because of various things), I offered the final actions and words that finish and hold the matter. In the middle of this, a form of words was used that normally constitute a blessing, to my horror I became conscious of extreme interference, that nearly changed the whole operation into a very dangerous curse. I began to use a form that would have reversed the whole thing... Jane spotted it and took over and finished the job. Now the interesting thing was the feeling of extreme malignant force, we dealt with it then and sent it running, we are certain that it did not have any effect except to cause me to mangle the last and final part of the particular ritual used. But the question arises, WHY? Why should something that exists upon the other side want to interfere particularly with work done for you? Why should it want you ill? Why is it with you? We embarked upon an analysis of the situation, and made our intuition work overtime. The answers we have found are these. That (a) it is unlikely that you have dabbled in black magic during this life, so there is no fury sitting at your table, (b) there is no living person who holds you a sufficient grudge, as to want you dead, (c) That you are basically a good man, therefore you would not attract this particular malignant force. Therefore we had to look over the walls at the situation and what came flooding through was interesting, albeit painful, since it concerns your mother. We have sensed this, right or wrong, for good or for evil. That the spiritual part of your mother has moved on, and is now well adjusted to the next life, BUT the etheric body has not yet disintegrated, and still contains that original bitterness, and has used you as a supply of energy so that it could survive (hence your sexual trouble). Obviously you are emotionally involved with the image of your parent, and it has used this as a bridge in order to tap your own vitality. It resents interference, and to a certain extent any other woman in your life. It is not aware that it is only a shadow, but believes that it is the corporate whole. Your mother evidently used some of the methods of the east to project, and as such formed a body of light... it is this body of light that is now out of control, that is your trouble. It must be disintegrated or cast off to wither away. How you will do this, (and you alone can do it), I do not know. I have an old Italian spell for things of this kind, and know that it works for mental illness, but this one is beyond my personal powers. However before you take any action,I would advise you to get the opinions of other occultists upon this matter, and see what they say. Here is the charm, it can be used by you to form a ritual, and to act as a corner stone in that ritual, but the binding and absorption of 'devils' is not my particular branch. 'Shadow! It is known This old charm is murderous poetry, but it works. Out of all the curses and near curses in my possession, this Italian spell is perhaps the most deadly, since it states the witch attitude completely. Will against will, illusion against illusion, eye for eye, life for life and death for death... When I first started this business many years ago, I cursed someone, they fell seriously ill... I have never forgotten the lessons I learned from that one episode. Will, sheer malignant will, is one of the most terrible forces in the world. This spell is based upon that very attitude. Whether or not you will be able to use it properly, or whether you will weaken because of the moral training of the Qabalist I do not know, but once you begin it never leave it or weaken, otherwise it will return to you. That is all the help I can give you. Remember you will be challenging something on its own grounds, this is against all the training of modern occultism, but for a witch of my school, this is the only way. Rise or die....... In your left eye the power of death and disruption, in your right eye the power of life and growth, this I give to you. Master is a term that we use, and use often. I myself, am a master of a small clan, the devil in fact. I in turn recognise the authority of others who are higher than myself, and that authority, once stated, is absolute, do what we may. Higher plane adeptii, or physical adeptii are terms that sit uneasily upon the witch. Master is the old word for the particular function we all (witches I mean) have to fulfill. My job is to train and organise, fulfill the letter of the law and to function to discipline and to curse, as well as to elevate and expound. To Jane all the men owe absolute allegiance, to myself (or rather the law that I represent) they owe duty. We have to train any new members up to certain standards, develop any hidden power that they may have, and finally teach them the manipulation of various images of virtue. We may be the very last of the old school, but we still uphold the old attitudes and expect the same things. Above we two rises another authority whose writ is far older than ours, to that authority we give absolute allegiance, and whose function it is to train us and work with us. I was in the fortunate position of having been blooded, therefore I have some hold on their ears. I and Jane have powers that have been developed over a number of years. I believe that every human being who has at least some sensitivity (by that I mean the ability to perceive others as they are) has also the ability to develop these senses until they are like a second eye. We use various methods to develop latent powers, but unless the person involved is willing to fall, pick himself up, then fall and rise again, we cannot teach them. Unfortunately most people do not basically believe in various things, therefore they do not get results, irrespective of whatever they do. We try and establish a climate of opinion where the miraculous is commonplace, and the results seem worthwhile. I acquired my own powers the hard way, I was not born with them. To this much I owe Jane everything, since it was by her example upon another field, that I began to develop. The surest way of developing power is by observing the path of example, from that, all other things grow. It is only in the interaction of man and woman that the will of the Gods becomes apparent, and one learns all from the other, and with it learns the necessary understanding of other human beings that must go with such powers. Our personal ability has not reached its zenith as yet, that will take another five years at least, but we can normally function with nearly everybody. We hate making a show of them since this breaks away from the way of humility, but we do use them when there is a worthwhile purpose. Doreen Valiente (she seems to be taking up a lot of my time one way and another) As I said I have no objections agin her or her particular beliefs, since I am too long in the tooth to cry heresy. You are quite welcome to discuss me, witchcraft or anything else connected with me. I have no worries on that score since it appears we are fated to meet sometime in the future (round August if I have it right) and an offer will be made, considered and rejected. I would be grateful if you did not tell her any relevant matter such as that nursery rhyme, I do not want it in the press. From your account of local witches, I would say we are the last left in Southern England. So be it, we are too old to have lived much longer, and the past is too great a burden for a small group to bear alone. Incidentally the Rollright stones are the meeting place of one of Gardner's cuveens on May day, there is the source of your rumor. I am surprised that a county with such a history should be so psychically dead, I must liven it up a bit, and throw a wild dance on the Tor. Sorry about the rambling of this letter. Jane and I were out last night, and we still haven't recovered our proper senses. Honestly, trying to 'fly' around here is like swimming in black treacle. Trying to get over the 'wall' is murder under those conditions. Its all the group minds round, L.C.C. estate and all that, the inhabitants are the biggest load of monkeys that have been trained since the original ark. If I travel about five miles away, getting outside is as easy as anything. Ugh! Those minds sleeping or waking, they would deflate J.C. himself. The old chap you saw, I can't place him, except as a man I know as Willum, he was a Norfolk witch and a great friend of a living friend (one of the clan) of ours. He was the husband of a delightful old woman who initiated George (our friend) when he was a young man. George swears by old Mary Maiden and Willum, they were his great friends. I have good reason to thank her also, she has never let us down. I don't suppose you have friends who are interested in occultism ala witchcraft, but if you do I am always pleased to hear from them. The clan is badly out of balance, we number five men and one woman, you try anything that needs a delicate touch with a group based upon those proportions, and it is amazing at what creeps in. They all get much too aggressive... Still women have lost the instinct for witchcraft, they are all like little painted dolls today, afraid to do anything which aint all that respectable. Either that they are so bloody inhibited they go to the opposite extremes and play at silly beggars with nudism, tea leaves and dancing a la wild pagan ecstasies. The real witch instinct seems to have gone for a burton... been trained out of the little dears by too much deodorant, and not enough nature. The ones who do go in for what they describe as witchcraft, all seem to have remarkably well developed histrionic ability, and lose no time in putting on a great show for the hoi polloi, and generally making up for all those years of masculine domination and feminine inferiority complexes. I suppose nearly all of those I have met who belongs to the latter day saints, sorry, witches, have all got a hidden neurosis to do with (a) feelings of inferiority, and (b) a marked desire to handle a mans tools (My God! That is bad imagery. Terrible slip up) with feminine wiles. They never seem to have got the idea that being feminine in its truest form is better than being masculine at its worse, in fact being truly feminine (a increasingly rare quality) is marvelous for both the woman who is like that, and the man on whom she decides to be her lover, husband and mate. Two sides to a coin and all that, today though the coin appears to be standing upon its edge. Regards, |
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