Known to the Craft as

September 27, 1952 C.E. - December 5, 1998 C.E.

"Love, Laughter and Plenty"

Add your own message or send a photo.

A dancing Sprite once told me,
on a winter's moon,
how a wondrous human
came to visit here.
His name is Erilar,
Lord of the dance,
a magick living mystery,
and loving wondrous friend.
We marveled at his greatness,
snickered at his wit,
We loved to dance and sing with him,
a beloved precious gift.
Oh how the days do pass indeed,
our fondest times we had,
when with his magick staff he'd move
and we marveled at the lad.
A vibrant gracious husband,
the finest in the land,
a blessed father too indeed,
what holy, precious seed.
And now the Sprite did tell me,
of the darkest days,
when Erilar would slip away,
to leave us empty and wane.
No more laughter only tears,
no more humor no more jeers.
Leaving his sweet betrothed alone,
and a bounding legacy.
Quietly the earth stood still
on that horrid day,
and all that ever lived on Terra
began to mourn the loss.
Oh how we do love him,
and what splendid gift,
This Erilar of shortest days,
with us, his blessing doth live!
I know that he is out there,
singing in the moors,
I heard him laughing heartily,
on the Midsummer's morn.
Running Wolf
(Formerly Lion)

May he be happy in the next realm! Condolences to his love, may she be
able to rebuild and live happy again.

David was a better father to me than the man who raised me.
Daniel Latta

I met David at MerryMeet '94, was it?, when he and Candy and their sons shared a cabin
with Corby and me, and later Galadriel and Athanor joined us. Then I saw him briefly at
Raven's Flight a year ago December. Not enough to know him as his many dear loved ones
did, but enough to experience him as a treasured and much-loved member of his community.
Please accept my condolences for your tremendous loss. May your tears bear him to the Tyr
naNog, may they wash your grief, may he be born again in love.
Blessed Be, M. Macha NightMare

David was a wonderful man, and I was glad to have meet him the few times
that I did. He touched whoever he meet, and left a lasting impression. I will always keep
memories of him close to me, and cherish the time that I knew him.
To Candy and your children, may you remember his laughter, and his love.
May you always cherish the time you spent with, and love that he gave. That can never be
taken from this Earth.
May the Lord and Lady be with you all.
Lady Tarah (Melinda Taylor-Kelly)

I remember going to my first ritual at Raven's flight, an Egyptian Rite. Back in a dark
corner was a darkly clad man whom I was drawn to talk to after the ritual was over. Within
minutes I knew that I had found a brother a long lost brother in the night of loneliness
that us Mages find ourselve wrapped within from time to time. Yes, David was a friend
brother and teacher to me. It gladdens my heart to have met and known him and saddens me
that our work had barely begun. Who would have thought that me, a Ceremonial Magician,
would meet the only other one at Raven's that night and speak the threefold formulae that
would bind me to David forever, 'Teach me...Teach me....Teach me'. I remember doing the CM
shuffle, and arguing with you my friend and teacher David, but most of all I remember the
words, 'Celebrate your uniqueness'. These words, your guiding hand and very human ways
helped heal me and set me firmly on the path. Meeting David helped me find common friends
and goals in not just him, but everyone in the magical family at Raven's flight, and we
are indeed a family, as David has helped us see. I love you David.
Your Friend in Eternity, Scott (Fr. IDPA)

I didn't know David very long, but during the ten months of talking to him all day,
every day, I found a true Craft brother, a teacher, and above all a friend. For anyone
reading this who didn't know David well, or even at all, I have one piece of advice: Look
at the wonderful person shining forth in all of the photographs on this page. I had no
pictures of David except those in my head - now I have an album of treasures to remember
him with. Thank you all, and my blessings to Candy, Chris and Kendric.
As for David.... you old bugger - you're having way too much fun...save some for us!
Love and Blessings,

On the day I heard of David's passing, I finally put fingers to keyboard and finished a
poem whose first line had been rattling around in my head for two decades.
The wind comes from the west
And comforts me,
And speaks to me of lost time,
Of lost lives, and lost loves,
Left behind in the dust of yesterday.
In the gentle breeze, the dust of ages past
Rises and spins in fitful wheels
As the circle of life itself spins on
Through the darkness of the tomb
And of the womb.
No hand can stop the river's flow,
Or stay it from rejoining in the end
The dark and silent depths of oceans vast
Where all the running rivers
Eventually stop and rest.
The tide flows where and when it wills
With no regard for wish or will
And sweeps away all within its reach
With gentle currents or with crashing waves
In time, all things are washed away.
The dust of ages washes to the sea
And mingles with the silence of the years,
And tastes the salt of countless tears,
And over white-capped breaking waves
The wind comes from the west
And comforts me.
Karl Lembke
Began August / 1976
Keyed in December / 1998.

Fare thee well, thou prince
You were far more than a mere candle
Yours was a light to hold back the dark.
Pass beyond this world and its pain
the circle turn you'll come again.
Merry was that day did we meet,
though bittersweet merry do we part,
till once again we do merry greet,
I'll hold the memory in my heart.
Black Dragon

David, was my teacher, my High-Priest, my initiator and my friend. I did not know David
before the RSD had affected his hands. Some say that the David I knew was different from
the David of a few years ago. Well, true as that may be, the David that I knew, I knew
very well.
As my teacher and High Priest of Coven Shadowed Moon, he taught me much and he taught
me in such a way that it stuck and it made sense. As my initiator, we shared a bond that
began even before the initiation but that was definitely strengthened by the it. A bond so
strong that he invaded my dreams, saw my visions and could always sense my energy work.
As my friend we talked of many things. We shared our hopes and dreams and
disappointments. We confided in each other and consoled each other. I tried my best to
help him and he always tried to help me and mine. His family and my family soon became as
one family. He was also a man that could try my patience and my temper to the absolute end
of endurance.
I will forever remember David prancing and dancing at the Feast of the Horned God and
how much he enjoyed that whole day. How he laughed and how he sang. I thank the Gods that
for that one day and how he was almost free of the terrible pain that he had been living
with for the last few years. I have been truly blessed to have known him.... to have
laughed with him and cried with him and to have shared so much with him.

Farewell, Brother & fellow warrior. Pick your future battles wisely. I will miss
the David I knew, the Erilar I learned so much from.
And Wherever he has gone, I hope he has finally gained the wisdom to realize that a
staff can best a rapier :)

David will be missed... especially this Yule. I will miss his unique take
on every situation in this world. I can only hope to emulate his gentle acceptance of the

David's friendship truly enriched our lives. His knowledge, courage and
fortitude in the face of terrible illness inspired all of us. We will cherish his memory
and continue to offer our love and friendship to Candy, Chris and Kendrick. May he prosper
in the other world and return to us in due time. The circle is ever unbroken. Farewell,
David. Keep the ale cup full.
Dave and Ann Finnin

Travel safely Brother Erilar, rest, and when you have done with resting,
may you come back to us again. In the meantime, may your blade be sharp, your eye bright,
your horn full, and your heart light.
In love, Brother Sylvanus.

David. With whom will I discuss mystical geometry or transtemporal
magic or metapersonal incarnations or craft epistemology? I miss you.
'Till next time...
Love James

I am reminded of an old Celtic custom that if you want to know or "LEARN"
something you TALKED to the ancestors. Yes, you got it, talk to the dead. In the case of
our Evil CM, he can now talk to and teach all ofus at the same time! All we have to do is
ask. That is what I have been doing and he seems disappointed that more have not. As
Mallard said in a post David was at the FMR (full moon ritual) last Saturday, guarding,
sitting in his chair and all you had to do was "look" and you could see him. The
physical is gone but the soul and spirit live on and "I will not forget" (to
quote my favorite bard).
Blessings to you all and may you allow David to still touch your lives.
Jane T. and the Khamsa Krew

Yeah, David definitely could have gone on teaching and teaching till the ink in our
pens dried out (or I guess in this case, the ink cartridge of our printers run dry). Most
of his knowledge still goes over my head...but then the path of the CM is currently not
what I've been walking.
As for the LBRP (Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram - whew!), David did finally
teach it to me one day (& I can feel him smiling over this one...)
I had learned it out of a book and I think I needed to know it for an initiation, so
there I was trying to do it in front of Candy and David. AFter I was done, he said
something like, "Very Good. Now, try it with the proper visualizations and
energy." He then taught me how to do it as such which wasn't really covered well in
the book. THen he got up and decided to show us how to cast pentagrams with a sword,
whereas I am used to doing it with my small athalme. Of course, moi not knowing diddly
from squat, I attempted drawing a pentagram waving the sword using my complete arm, nearly
taking any knick-knacks from any shelves, and woe be unto any furniture that was not solid
plastic! DAvid took the sword and only moving his hand, said, "See? It's all in the
wrist!" Candy and I had to huddle behind David's back the whole time he was
demonstrating this technique, otherwise we'd be ribbons! It was a funny sight! :-) Yes,
Christy, I will definitely miss his patience in teaching all these tricks of the trade you
can't always learn in books!
Blessings, Russell

Yes... and the neat thing was... He was there at the last ritual too... In his chair,
He is a very sweet man. I had the evilcm e-mail addy only because he liked to think of
himself that way... There where many times that I pointed ot to him that he has a very
nice, considerate person..... He would always shush me and say, "don't tell
anyone". I have felt him several times since he left... (as have others). He is still
enjoying certain things, such as his hands and sight being 100% again. I cried when I
heard of his death...And now I revel in his freedom. I have no more tears to shed. He
seems not sad either.
BB Mallard

There must be a wonderful peace and happiness where David is right now. I remember
David at rituals, guarding the outside of the circle. He touched so many people's lives in
this community. That is a triumph and a tribute to his life, and his words will live
through all of us as we pass them on to others. My blessings of comfort go out to you
Candy and your boys.
B*B to you Heather

It is with truly mixed feelings that I greet David's passing. Sorrow and grief over
losing a wonderful friend and coven brother. Also relief and joy that he is finally free
of the pain and anguish I have seen him plagued with over the last few years.
The David I remember was a strong, spry, vital person. Knowledgeable, humorous and
warm. I recall now the party celebrating the founding of David's Ceremonial Magick lodge,
Temple Beth Eloah Va Da'ath. The charter signing etc. He was really in his element at that
event. Surrounded by a number of his fellow CMs. David was smiling, joking (eating the
TJ's mini-tacos I brought) and discussing various aspects of magick. That is the David I
remember most. He always treated me as an equal when discussing matter of Kaballah and
Hermeticism, even though my knowledge and ability in that area was scant next to his. And
learned alot from him because of that.
He was also a fellow artist and I admired his talent and creativity. When his RDS
curtailed his painting I felt for him as if the same thing happened to me. Even though he
later mastered the art of computer graphics and excelled in his use of light and shadow
with it, I know it was probably not the same. It wouldn't have been for me.
When he, Candy and the kids moved from Ventura to Tujunga David gave me one of his
easels and also quite a few blank canvases. He and Candy had no place to store them at
their new place. I had always considered this a long term *loan* and that some day David
would be able to use his arm again and would need his easel. When he began therapy and
regained some use of his hand he began drawing again. I was optimistic that he would one
day paint. But things don't always work out as you hope they would. I still have the easel
(and canvases) in the dining room that I have converted into a studio in my house. David's
*loan* has allowed me to paint again myself. I could not have afforded to do so otherwise.
I reminded now that I can paint. Thank you David from a fellow artist.
Just one weird side note I think David would have appreciated. This last October I
began a series of paintings, God and Goddess portraits. The first two were to be one of
Diana as huntress and Herne the Hunter. I started the Diana first. Everything went as I
had intended in my mind's eye. OTOH as I began to do the underpainting for Herne (in
Venetian Red and Black, like Titian) the composition changed. No matter no hard I tried to
paint Herne I kept on getting Pan! Maybe the canvases had been around David too long ;-)
Right now the Pan painting rests on David's easel half done. The last layer of the
underpainting of the foreground is done and I am beginning the underpainting of the
background. I had planned on a landscape of Arcadia (California that is ;-) ) but the
canvas may have other plans. I had not planned on telling anyone or letting anyone even
see the paintings till they were finished, in case they sucked. But with David's passing
it seemed appropriate somehow.
I am proud and happy to have know David. I am at glad of the fact that a bit of him is
still around to inspire.

<< His word was solid. His knowledge spanned from esoteric to the practical and
the community valued him greatly. He never flaunted his knowledge, never went on
ego-trips, and always greeted me with a smile and hug. >>
This made me smile and brought a tear to my eye Russell. One of the things that I loved
so much about David was how ABSOLUTELY generous he was with his intellect and knowledge.
In the relatively short time I knew him....he taught me much...and was completely content
to go OVER and OVER it til I got it. It was a joy to see someone so passionate about
something. He LOVED to teach and to learn. And he encouraged people to challenge his
information, to accept nothing he said as "gospell" and to branch out and really
make the knowledge their own. That is the mark of a true teacher. He loved to see his
students "fly". I'm selfishly jealous that he left when there were so many
things left that I wanted to learn from him. But I'm completely grateful that he left me
with such a clear picture of the kind of teacher/elder/friend that I hope someday to be.
Hmmmm....why do I hear him having such a giggle at what I just wrote? THAT is the key
to the other reason I loved him so much. <g>
Blessings, Christy

Russell, thank you so much for calling forth the image of a happy, healthy David, at
his best. I could, for a moment, see and hear him on the day you described. That is the
memory David would want to leave with us. Not the invalid who struggled through the pain
of the RSD and the horror of cancer, but the physically fit, perfectly disciplined,
wonderfully knowledgable Priest and Magician, full of chivalry and charm, who dazzled us
all with his Magick, impressed us with his brilliance and warmed our hearts with his
friendship and loyalty.
Thank you so much. I needed that (for myself and for *David*, I think *smile*). Your
post brought tears, but it brought a smile with them. I'm going to show it to Doug, the
minute he gets home. I think he needs it, too!

My fond memories go out to David, yet I will not try to earth-bound him, as I am sure
he has a lot to do wherever he has gone. I will miss his physical presence. He was my
second and last high priest. He was always patient when trying to explain something
super-technical and CM-like that usually went over my head, never had a harsh word to say
to me or about anyone, nor have I ever caught him back-biting anyone. His word was solid.
His knowledge spanned from esoteric to the practical and the community valued him greatly.
He never flaunted his knowledge, never went on ego-trips, and always greeted me with a
smile and hug.
My very first memory of him was when Ashesh-Hekat was the host coven for 6 weeks in a
living room in Canoga Park. I was with what was then T.O.T.E.G. (Temple of the Elder Gods)
and was there just to meet with others. Kendric was crib/bassenet-size. David had a pony
tail and was clean-shaven. He wasn't smoking his pipe, yet. He performed the LBRP. Back
then, I didn't know what it was, but I was impressed and felt this guy knew LOTS and was
friendly and easy-going about things.
I have attended many funerals and known of many passings. Most of them never touched me
since a lot of my relatives live far away and I almost never see them or speak their
mother tongue. Other passings were people I never really knew that well. But this is the
first of someone I knew and respected and someone of my own faith.
David will always be honored.
BB, Aldebaran (Russell Chan)

Every cloud has its silver lining. In Davids case, with the cancer that
eventually killed him came the deep seeded realization that he was truly loved and cared
for by a large number of people. My hope is that the rest of us reach the same
understanding before our particular clouds come over the horizon. For all of our
bickering, dramas, likes and dislikes, we are a community that loves and supports its
members. We were lucky to have David as a member of our community, David was lucky to have
us, and we are lucky to have each other.

With beginnings come endings Eo-He-Samhain With endings come tears Eo-He-Samhain To
tears there is an ending Eo-He-Samhain Wth endings come beginnings Eo-He Samhain
-Cat White

David fought a truly formidable foe. This was the one foe (brain cancer) that even he
could not beat, although the fight was pretty spectacular. To all those who know David, it
should be said that he hung in hours after the medical team thought he could (Go figure).
I hope he has a wonderful journey. I hope he comes into a world where he will be able
to be what he wants to be and do what he wants to do. David is a very strong person, but,
one thing that absolutely drove him to tears was the sudden realization of how very many
people cared (and care) about him. He found this out when he started this battle.
Candy, Chris, Kendric:, my thoughts and sympathies are certainly with you. I will be
near if you need anything..
I was going through my notes recently and found a poem that I wanted to share
somehow feels appropriate)
TO THOSE I LOVE When I am gone, release me, let me go I have so many things to see and
do. You mustn't tie yourself to me with tears. Be happy that we had so many years. I gave
you my Love. You can only guess how much you gave me in Happiness. But now it's time I
traveled on alone. So grieve awhile for me, if grieve you must, then let your grief be
comforted by Trust. It's only for awhile that we must part. So Bless the memories within
your heart. I won't be far away, for life goes on so if you need me, call and I will come.
Though you can't see or touch me, I'll be near and if you listen with your heart, you'll
hear all my love around you soft and clear. And then when you must come this way alone
I'll greet you, arms wide with a smile and "Welcome home!"
David, I love you and I am proud to call you 'friend' (Even though you told me that I
would get in trouble for that <G>).
Merry Meet, Merry Part
And Merry Meet Again!

Farewell and blesssings to our David.
Pan take him unto you to dance and laugh in the Summer Lands.
Martin & Jodi

Blessings to our brother, Erilar. We will meet and know and remember and love him
Love to all who loved him as we did,
Tyr And Sequanah

Our hearts go out to Candy, Chris and Kendrick.
Lady grant them peace and ease of sorrow in their hearts as David has been granted
peace and cessation of pain.
Blessings to all.

David lives on in my memories and my studies always. He touched my heart and soul in
many ways. He was a good friend and his memory lives on in myself and others I am sure.
Blessings to all, Scott

I've known David since before he met Candy, and, while it is a relief to know his
suffering is over, it is a great sadness to me that such a fine mind is lost to us.
Jim Fox-Davis

Our love and blessings to them all.
music _Take Me Home, Country Roads_
lyrics by Morwyn ni Bhrighide & Raven Scott 5/19/97
Almost home now,
Land of Summer,
Magick Mountains,
Ever living river...
Life is real there,
Realer than we see
Older than forever
Peaceful, full and free!
Take them home
Kindly Crone
To the place
They belong
Through the portal
Into Summer
Take them home
Loving Crone
All our mem'ries
Gather round them,
Our dear loved ones
Gone across the water...
Dark and dusky
Are the evening skies
Misty magic moonlight
Shines behind their eyes.
Take them home
Kindly Crone
To the place
They belong
Through the portal
Into Summer
Take them home
Loving Crone
We hear their voices in the winds as they call to us
Setting sun reminds us of our friends far away...
Living in this world we get a feeling that we all will meet again
someday, so we say,
Take them home
Kindly Crone
To the place
They belong
Through the portal
Into Summer
Take them home
Loving Crone

David lives on in all of us. His Magick continues.

I'm proud to have known him...even if only for a short time and my thoughts and my love
and anything I have is at the ready if Candy, Kendric or Chris should need of me.
Blessings, Christy
