Glossary A
M ADEPT: A person highly skilled in Magick ALTAR: The Point of Manifestation; the working table of a Witch; the "Spiritual Home" of the Witch AMULET: A passive charm that serves as a magnet for a particular idea or entity ARCANE: Secret ASPERGE: To cleanse by sprinkling with water ATHAME (Variously pronounced Ah-tha-may, Ah-thay-me, ah-thahm, Atha-may): the Witch's Sacred Knife; a knife consecrated for ritual use; often black-handled, double-edged; one of the Four Witch's Tools AUTUMN EQUINOX: Solar Festival, approximately September 21 BANISH: To drive away BANE: Something that is destructive or poisonous BEAN-SIDHE (ban-shee): The Good Little Folk (later called banshee and seen as wailing women BELTANE: One of the Four Great Fire Festivals, April 31-May 1 BESOM (bay-som): Witch's broom BIND: To prevent from a specific action BOLINE: Knife used by a Witch for practical ritual purposes, such as cutting fruit or paring candles; often white-handled and single-edged; some witches see the boline as sickle-shaped and bone-handled BOOK OF SHADOWS: Book containing the lore of a Coven or Tradition of Witchcraft. There is no "one" Book of Shadows; it varies from group to group BURNING TIMES: Time in history during which Witches (and others) were persecuted CANDLEMAS: One of the Four Great Fire Festivals, also known as Imbolc, Oilmelc oe Bride's Day, February 2 CAULDRON: Three-legged kettle with handle, usually made of cast iron or copper CENSE: Expose to incense smoke CENSER: Incense burner CHALICE: Drinking vessel consecrated for ritual use; one of the Four Witch's Tools; also called Cup CHARGE: To fill with energy CINGULUM: See Cord CIRCLE: Working area of a Witch; another word for a Coven; a gathering of Witches CONE OF POWER: Concentrated energy of an assembled group CONJURATION: Act of summoning or willing CORD: Worn around the waist or wrist, binds the Witch to the Gods and the Wheel; also used for cord magick, also known as Cingulum CONSCIOUS MIND: That part of our mind of which we are aware CONSECRATE: Cleanse, bless and set apart for ritual use; make sacred COVEN: A group of witches with a personal commitment to work together CRAFT, THE: The Old Religion, The Faith of The Wise, Witchcraft CRONE: The third aspect of the Triple Goddess, The Ancient One, the Wise Woman DEEP MIND: The part of our mind that is hidden from the conscious mind; the unconscious or subconscious mind DEOSIL (Day-oh-sil): Clockwise, or sunwise DIVINATION: Discovery of information by occult means DRUIDS: A class of wise men, physicians, and moral philosophers, who were the teachers and religious leaders of the Celts ELEMENTS: Air, Fire, Water, Earth; the general categories of energy and matter; sometimes Spirit is seen as the Fifth element EQUINOX: Either of the two points at which the Sun crosses the Celestial Equator, making day and night equal. ESBAT: Witch's gathering, other than for Festivals; Circle ETHIC, THE: "An it harm none, do what ye will!", the Witch's rule for living EUCHARIST: Sacred Meal. Some pagans object to this term as Christian, but actually it originated in Mithraic tradition EVOKE: To call up, or out, forces or beings on a lower level of existence than our own EXORCISE: To cast out unwanted influences FETCH: Thoughtform sent to bring something or someone GNOME: Dwarfish being whose Element is Earth GREAT RITE: Ritual Union of God and Goddess GRIMOIRE: Personal notes of a Witch GROUP MIND: The combined thought processes of an assembled group GUARDIAN: A being or force that protects the Circle; the Coven officer responsible for the safety of its members HALLOWS: One of the Four Great Fire Festivals, also known as Samhain, October 31 HANDFASTING: Trial marriage, usually a year and a day HARVEST: see Autumn Equinox HEXAGRAM: Six-pointed star composed of two interlaced triangles HIGHER SELF: Super-conscious mind; that portion of the self which is nearest the Divine HIGH PRIEST: Male leader of a Coven HIGH PRIESTESS: Female leader of Coven HONORED DEAD: Witches who were killed during the Burning Times HORN CROWN: Crown with horns, worn by person representing the Dark Lord in the Circle HORNED ONE: The God, primarily in His fertility aspect, such as Pan, Kernunnos IMAGE: Altar piece representing God or Goddess, usually a statue, but may be anything. Example, shell-Goddess, horns-God IMBOLC: See Candlemas INCANT: Chant INITIATE: Person who receives an Initiation; also, to give an Initiation INVOKE: Request the attention or presence of forces or beings on a high level of existence than our own KARMA: Spiritual Force, generated by one's actions, which determines reincarnated situation LADY: The Goddess; also ritual title of the High Priestess LANCET: Disposable, pre-sterilized needle, for the purpose of drawing blood LEGEND: A story, true or untrue, passed from generation to generation LIBATION: Liquid spilled or poured out as offering LITTLE PEOPLE: Fairies, elves, gnomes, leprechauns LORD: The God; also ritual title of the High Priest LUGNASADH (loo-nah-sahd): See Lammas LUNAR: Of the Moon MAGICK: The knowledge and use of certain powers of the mind and of the Universe, seemingly beyond conventional scientific law MAGISTER: A title sometimes used for the male leader of a Coven MAIDEN: First aspect of the Triple Goddess; the Virgin Goddess; the Coven officer who assists the High Priestess MEDITATION: Controlled contemplation of a specific thought our idea MIDSUMMER: See Summer Solstice MIGHTY ONES: Those entities or beings who have advanced beyond this plane of existence MYTH: A fictionalized account of something that actually happens, usually analogous rather than literal NEED FIRE: A magickal fire, kindled to serve specific needs OCCULT: Beyond human understanding; mysterious; hidden OIMELC: (ol-mek): see Candlemas OLD ONES: See Mighty Ones OMEN: Portent or sign ORACLE: Spoken prophecy PAGAN: One who worships the Deities of Nature PENTACLE: Flat plate or disc, usually inscribed with a five-pointed star, used as a serving plate, shield, or personal altar; one of the four Witch's Tools PENTAGRAM: Interlaced five-pointed star, often circled POWER: Energy PRESENCE CANDLE: Candle burned to symbolize the Presence of Deity PUCA (pooka): A mischievous but helpful supernatural being, often seen in hare-shape, or as a horse, goat, etc QUARTERS: Points of the Four Directions in a Circle; also the Four Lesser Sabbats RITUAL: Ceremony; religious observance RUNES: Magickal script or alphabet SABBAT: One of the eight Festivals of the Year SACRED KING: That person chosen to represent the Sacrifice for the Coven. Also called the Year King. SAMHAIN (sow-wen): See Hallows SCRYING: Divination by visual method, such as crystal-gazing SHADES: Spirits of the Dead SHAMAN: One who uses a set of spiritual techniques to enter into a trance state called ecstasy in which the practitioner travels to Other Worlds in order to diagnose, heal, gain information, divine, guide souls, etc. SKYCLAD: Nude SMUDGE: Purify by bathing in sage smoke SOLAR: Of the Sun SOLAR CROSS: An equal-armed cross SOLITARY: A Witch who works alone SOLSTICE: Either of two points at which the Sun is farthest from the Celestial Equator SO MOTE IT BE: So be it! SPELL: Magical operation, usually for practical purpose SPRING EQUINOX: Solar Festival; approximately March 21 SUMMER SOLSTICE: Solar Festival, The longest day of the year, approximately June 21 TALISMAN: Charm which is charged with a particular force or energy, which transmits that force to the wearer or user TRADITION: When capitalized, refers to specific sub-group of The Craft; also, custom VEIL: The barrier between the Worlds WAND: Rod of wood, crystal or metal, consecrated for ritual use; one of the Four Witch's Tools. WARLOCK: Liar, betrayer, traitor WATCHER: Another name for a Directional Guardian of the Circle WHEEL: The eight Festivals of the year WICCA: A name applied to the religion of Witchcraft by some Witches WIDDERSHINS: Counter Clock-wise WITCH: A follower of the Old Religion; Wise One; one who uses Natural Magick in an ethical manner as part of a Pagan religious practice WINTER SOLSTICE: Solar Festival, also known as Yule, the longest night of the year, approximately December 21 YULE: See Winter Solstice |
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