The Library


A short reading list


1) Cabot, Laurie & Cowan, Thomas. Power of the Witch : The Earth, Moon, & Magical Path to Enlightenment.
New York : Dell Books, 1990. (ISBN 0385301898) $12.95

2) Cunningham, Scott. The Truth About Witchcraft Today
St. Paul, MN : Llewellyn Pubns., 1988. (ISBN 087542127X) $4.99

3) Cunningham, Scott. Wicca: a Guide for the Solitary Practioner
[Practical Magic Series]. St. Paul, MN Llewellyn Pbns., 1988 (ISBN 0875421180) $9.95

4) Farrar, Stewart & Janet. The Witches' God: The Masculine Principle of the Divinity.
Caster, WA : Phoenix, 1989 (ISBN 0919345476) $15.95

5) Farrar, Stewart & Janet. The Witches' Goddess: The Feminine Principle of Divinity.
Caster, WA : Phoenix, 1987 (ISBN 0919345913) $14.95

6) Green, Marian. A Witch Alone: Thirteen Moons to Master Natural Magic.
Aquarian Pr. UK ; San Francisco, CA USA : Thorson's, 1991 (ISBN 1855381125) $15.00

7) Ryall, Rhiannon. West Country Wicca.
Capall Bann Pbng, UK ; Holmes Pub., 1994 (ISBN 1898307024) $19.95

8) Starhawk. Spiral Dance
New York : HarperCollins, 1989 (ISBN 0062508148) $16.00

9) Valiente, Doreen. An ABC of Witchcraft.
Custer, WA : Phoenix, 1984 (ISBN 0919345395) $8.95

* Books recommendeed by Coven Ashesh-Hekat

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